(function ($, elementor) { "use strict"; var Elementskit = { init: function () { var widgets = { 'elementskit-countdown-timer.default': Elementskit.Countdown_Timer, 'elementskit-client-logo.default': Elementskit.Client_Logo, 'elementskit-testimonial.default': Elementskit.Testimonial_Slider, 'elementskit-image-comparison.default': Elementskit.Image_Comparison, 'elementskit-progressbar.default': Elementskit.Progressbar, 'elementskit-piechart.default': Elementskit.Piechart, 'elementskit-funfact.default': Elementskit.Funfact, 'elementskit-gallery.default': Elementskit.Gallery, 'elementskit-motion-text.default': Elementskit.MotionText, 'elementskit-timeline.default': Elementskit.TimeLine, 'elementskit-post-tab.default': Elementskit.PostTab, 'elementskit-header-search.default': Elementskit.Header_Search, 'elementskit-header-offcanvas.default': Elementskit.Header_Off_Canvas, 'elementskit-table.default': Elementskit.Table, 'elementskit-creative-button.default': Elementskit.Creative_Button, 'ekit-nav-menu.default': Elementskit.Nav_Menu, 'elementskit-woo-mini-cart.default': Elementskit.Mini_Cart, 'elementskit-team.default': Elementskit.Team, 'elementskit-image-accordion.default': Elementskit.Image_Accordion, 'elementskit-woo-product-carousel.default': Elementskit.Woo_Product_slider, 'elementskit-hotspot.default': Elementskit.Hotspot, 'ekit-vertical-menu.default': Elementskit.Vertical_Menu, 'elementskit-advanced-toggle.default': Elementskit.Advanced_Toggle, }; $.each(widgets, function (widget, callback) { elementor.hooks.addAction('frontend/element_ready/' + widget, callback); }); elementor.hooks.addAction('frontend/element_ready/global', Elementskit.GlobalCallback); }, GlobalCallback: function ($scope) { // $('img').imagesLoaded().done(function (instance) { // console.log('all images successfully loaded'); // }); }, AnimationFix: function ($scope) { function init($scope) { $scope.find('.elementskit-invisible').each(function () { var el = $(this); var settings = JSON.parse(el.attr('data-settings')); var isVisible = Elementskit.IsElementInView(el, false), animationClass = settings._animation, animationDelay = settings._animation_delay || 300; if (isVisible == true) { setTimeout(function () { el.removeClass('elementskit-invisible').addClass('animated ' + animationClass); }, animationDelay); } }); } init($scope); $(window).on('scroll', function () { init($scope); }); }, IsElementInView: function (element, fullyInView) { var pageTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var pageBottom = pageTop + $(window).height(); var elementTop = element.offset().top; var elementBottom = elementTop + element.height(); if (fullyInView === true) { return ((pageTop < elementTop) && (pageBottom > elementBottom)); } else { return ((elementTop <= pageBottom) && (elementBottom >= pageTop)); } }, Nav_Menu: function ($scope) { if ($scope.find('.elementskit-menu-container').length > 0) { let icon_container = $scope.find('.ekit-wid-con'), icon = icon_container.data('hamburger-icon'), hamburger_type = icon_container.data('hamburger-icon-type'); $scope.find('.elementskit-menu-container').each(function () { let menu_container = $(this); if (menu_container.attr('ekit-dom-added') == 'yes') { return; } let iconmarkup = []; if (icon === '' || icon === undefined) { iconmarkup += ''; } else { if (hamburger_type === 'url') { iconmarkup += 'hamburger icon' } else { iconmarkup += '
' } } menu_container .before( '' ) .after('
') .attr('ekit-dom-added', 'yes'); }); } }, Mini_Cart: function ($scope) { $scope.find(".ekit-dropdown-back").on('click mouseenter mouseleave', function (e) { var self = $(this), enableClick = self.hasClass('ekit-mini-cart-visibility-click'), enableHover = self.hasClass('ekit-mini-cart-visibility-hover'), body = self.find('.ekit-mini-cart-container'); if (e.type === 'click' && enableClick && !$(e.target).parents('div').hasClass('ekit-mini-cart-container')) { body.fadeToggle(); } else if (e.type === 'mouseenter' && enableHover) { body.fadeIn(); } else if (e.type === 'mouseleave' && enableHover) { body.fadeOut(); } }); }, Progressbar: function ($scope) { var barElement = $scope.find(".single-skill-bar"); var percentElement = $scope.find(".number-percentage"); var value = percentElement.attr("data-value"); var duration = percentElement.attr("data-animation-duration"); duration = parseInt((duration != '' ? duration : 300), 10); barElement.elementorWaypoint({ handler: function () { percentElement.animateNumbers(value, true, duration); barElement.find('.skill-track').animate({ width: value + '%' }, 3500); }, offset: '100%' }) }, Funfact: function ($scope) { var barElement = $scope.find(".elementskit-funfact"); var percentElement = $scope.find(".number-percentage"); var value = percentElement.attr("data-value"); var duration = percentElement.attr("data-animation-duration"); duration = parseInt((duration != '' ? duration : 300), 10); barElement.elementorWaypoint({ handler: function () { percentElement.animateNumbers(value, true, duration); }, offset: '100%' }) }, Countdown_Timer: function ($scope) { var $container1 = $scope.find('.elementskit-countdown-timer[data-ekit-countdown]'); var $container2 = $scope.find('.elementskit-countdown-timer-2[data-ekit-countdown]'); var $container3 = $scope.find('.elementskit-countdown-timer-3[data-ekit-countdown]'); var $container4 = $scope.find('.elementskit-countdown-timer-4[data-ekit-countdown]'); var $container5 = $scope.find('.elementskit-flip-clock'); $container1.each(function () { var $this = $(this), finalDate = $(this).data('ekit-countdown'); var hour = $(this).data('date-ekit-hour'), minute = $(this).data('date-ekit-minute'), second = $(this).data('date-ekit-second'), day = $(this).data('date-ekit-day'), week = $(this).data('date-ekit-week'), finish_title = $(this).data('finish-title'), finish_content = $(this).data('finish-content'); $this.theFinalCountdown(finalDate, function (event) { var $this = $(this).html(event.strftime(' ' + '
%-D ' + day + '
' + '
%H ' + hour + '
' + '
%M ' + minute + '
' + '
%S ' + second + '
' )); }) .on('finish.countdown', function () { $(this).html( finish_title + "
" + finish_content ); }); }); $container2.each(function () { var $this = $(this), finalDate = $(this).data('ekit-countdown'); var hour = $(this).data('date-ekit-hour'), minute = $(this).data('date-ekit-minute'), second = $(this).data('date-ekit-second'), day = $(this).data('date-ekit-day'), week = $(this).data('date-ekit-week'), finish_title = $(this).data('finish-title'), finish_content = $(this).data('finish-content'); $this.theFinalCountdown(finalDate, function (event) { var $this = $(this).html(event.strftime(' ' + '
%-D ' + day + '
' + '
%H ' + hour + '
' + '
%M ' + minute + '
' + '
%S ' + second + '
')); }) .on('finish.countdown', function () { $(this).html( finish_title + "
" + finish_content ); }); }); $container3.each(function () { var $this = $(this), finalDate = $(this).data('ekit-countdown'); var hour = $(this).data('date-ekit-hour'), minute = $(this).data('date-ekit-minute'), second = $(this).data('date-ekit-second'), day = $(this).data('date-ekit-day'), week = $(this).data('date-ekit-week'), finish_title = $(this).data('finish-title'), finish_content = $(this).data('finish-content'); $this.theFinalCountdown(finalDate, function (event) { var $this = $(this).html(event.strftime(' ' + '
%-D ' + day + '
' + '
%H ' + hour + '
' + '
%M ' + minute + '
' + '
%S ' + second + '
')); }) .on('finish.countdown', function () { $(this).html( finish_title + "
" + finish_content ); }); }); $container4.each(function () { var $this = $(this), finalDate = $(this).data('ekit-countdown'); var hour = $(this).data('date-ekit-hour'), minute = $(this).data('date-ekit-minute'), second = $(this).data('date-ekit-second'), day = $(this).data('date-ekit-day'), week = $(this).data('date-ekit-week'), finish_title = $(this).data('finish-title'), finish_content = $(this).data('finish-content'); $this.theFinalCountdown(finalDate, function (event) { var $this = $(this).html(event.strftime(' ' + '
%-D ' + day + '
' + '
%H ' + hour + '
' + '
%M ' + minute + '
' + '
%S ' + second + '
')); }) .on('finish.countdown', function () { $(this).html( finish_title + "
" + finish_content ); $(this).addClass('elementskit-coundown-finish'); }); }); $container5.each(function () { var hour = $(this).data('date-ekit-hour'), minute = $(this).data('date-ekit-minute'), second = $(this).data('date-ekit-second'), day = $(this).data('date-ekit-day'), week = $(this).data('date-ekit-week'), finalDate = $(this).data('ekit-countdown'), finish_title = $(this).data('finish-title'), finish_content = $(this).data('finish-content'); var labelsData = { 'elementskit-wks': week, 'elementskit-days': day, 'elementskit-hrs': hour, 'elementskit-mins': minute, 'elementskit-secs': second }; var labels = ['elementskit-wks', 'elementskit-days', 'elementskit-hrs', 'elementskit-mins', 'elementskit-secs'], nextYear = (new Date(finalDate)), // template = _.template('
<%= curr %><%= next %><%= next %><%= curr %><%= labelD.length < 6 ? labelD : labelD.substr(0, 3) %>
'), currDate = '00:00:00:00:00', nextDate = '00:00:00:00:00', parser = /([0-9]{2})/gi, $example = $container5; // Parse countdown string to an object function strfobj(str) { var parsed = str.match(parser), obj = {}; labels.forEach(function (label, i) { obj[label] = parsed[i] }); return obj; } // Return the time components that diffs function diff(obj1, obj2) { var diff = []; labels.forEach(function (key) { if (obj1[key] !== obj2[key]) { diff.push(key); } }); return diff; } // Build the layout var initData = strfobj(currDate); labels.forEach(function (label, i) { // $example.append(template({ // curr: initData[label], // next: initData[label], // label: label, // labelD: labelsData[label] // })); // $example.append(`
// ${initData[label]} // ${initData[label]} // ${initData[label]} // ${initData[label]} // ${labelsData[label].length < 6 ? labelsData[label] : labelsData[label].substr(0, 3)} //
`); $example.append('' + '' + initData[label] + '' + '' + initData[label] + '' + '' + initData[label] + '' + '' + initData[label] + '' + '' + labelsData[label].length < 6 ? labelsData[label] : labelsData[label].substr(0, 3) + ' ' ); }); // Starts the countdown $example.theFinalCountdown(nextYear, function (event) { var newDate = event.strftime('%w:%d:%H:%M:%S'), data; if (newDate !== nextDate) { currDate = nextDate; nextDate = newDate; // Setup the data data = { 'curr': strfobj(currDate), 'next': strfobj(nextDate) }; // Apply the new values to each node that changed diff(data.curr, data.next).forEach(function (label) { var selector = '.%s'.replace(/%s/, label), $node = $example.find(selector); // Update the node $node.removeClass('elementskit-flip'); $node.find('.elementskit-curr').text(data.curr[label]); $node.find('.elementskit-next').text(data.next[label]); // Wait for a repaint to then flip setTimeout(function ($node) { $node.addClass('elementskit-flip'); }, 50, $node); }); } }) .on('finish.countdown', function () { $(this).html( finish_title + "
" + finish_content ); }); }); }, Client_Logo: function ($scope) { var $log_carosel = $scope.find('.elementskit-clients-slider'); $log_carosel.each(function () { // //console.log($(this).data('right_icon')); var leftArrow = ''; var rightArrow = ''; var slidestoshowtablet = $(this).data('slidestoshowtablet'); var slidestoscroll_tablet = $(this).data('slidestoscroll_tablet'); var slidestoshowmobile = $(this).data('slidestoshowmobile'); var slidestoscroll_mobile = $(this).data('slidestoscroll_mobile'); var arrow = $(this).data('show_arrow') === 'yes' ? true : false; var dot = $(this).data('show_dot') === 'yes' ? true : false; var autoPlay = $(this).data('autoplay') === 'yes' ? true : false; var centerMode = $(this).data('data-center_mode') === 'yes' ? true : false; $(this).not('.slick-initialized').slick({ rtl: $(this).data('rtl') ? true : false, slidesToShow: ($(this).data('slidestoshow') !== 'undefined') ? $(this).data('slidestoshow') : 4, slidesToScroll: ($(this).data('slidestoscroll') !== 'undefined') ? $(this).data('slidestoscroll') : 4, autoplay: ($(this).data('autoplay') !== 'undefined') ? autoPlay : true, autoplaySpeed: ($(this).data('speed') !== 'undefined') ? $(this).data('speed') : 1000, arrows: ($(this).data('show_arrow') !== 'undefined') ? arrow : true, dots: ($(this).data('show_dot') !== 'undefined') ? dot : true, pauseOnHover: ($(this).data('pause_on_hover') == 'yes') ? true : false, prevArrow: ($(this).data('left_icon') !== 'undefined') ? '' : leftArrow, nextArrow: ($(this).data('right_icon') !== 'undefined') ? '' : rightArrow, rows: ($(this).data('rows') !== 'undefined') ? $(this).data('rows') : 1, vertical: ($(this).data('vertical_style') == 'yes') ? true : false, infinite: ($(this).data('autoplay') !== 'undefined') ? autoPlay : true, responsive: [{ breakpoint: 1024, settings: { slidesToShow: slidestoshowtablet, slidesToScroll: slidestoscroll_tablet, } }, { breakpoint: 600, settings: { slidesToShow: slidestoshowtablet, slidesToScroll: slidestoscroll_tablet } }, { breakpoint: 480, settings: { arrows: false, slidesToShow: slidestoshowmobile, slidesToScroll: slidestoscroll_mobile } } ] }); }); }, Testimonial_Slider: function ($scope) { var $testimonial_slider = $scope.find('.elementskit-testimonial-slider'); $testimonial_slider.each(function () { var leftArrow = ''; var rightArrow = ''; var slidestoshowtablet = $(this).data('slidestoshowtablet'); var slidestoscroll_tablet = $(this).data('slidestoscroll_tablet'); var slidestoshowmobile = $(this).data('slidestoshowmobile'); var slidestoscroll_mobile = $(this).data('slidestoscroll_mobile'); var arrow = $(this).data('show_arrow') === 'yes' ? true : false; var dot = $(this).data('show_dot') === 'yes' ? true : false; var autoPlay = $(this).data('autoplay') === 'yes' ? true : false; // var centerMode = $(this).data('data-center_mode') === 'yes' ? true : false; $(this).not('.slick-initialized').slick({ rtl: ($(this).data('rtl') !== 'undefined') ? $(this).data('rtl') : false, slidesToShow: ($(this).data('slidestoshow') !== 'undefined') ? $(this).data('slidestoshow') : 1, slidesToScroll: ($(this).data('slidestoscroll') !== 'undefined') ? $(this).data('slidestoscroll') : 1, autoplay: ($(this).data('autoplay') !== 'undefined') ? autoPlay : true, autoplaySpeed: ($(this).data('speed') !== 'undefined') ? $(this).data('speed') : 1000, arrows: ($(this).data('show_arrow') !== 'undefined') ? arrow : true, dots: ($(this).data('show_dot') !== 'undefined') ? dot : true, pauseOnHover: ($(this).data('pause_on_hover') == 'yes') ? true : false, prevArrow: ($(this).data('left_icon') !== 'undefined') ? '' : leftArrow, nextArrow: ($(this).data('right_icon') !== 'undefined') ? '' : rightArrow, // rows: ($(this).data('rows') !== 'undefined') ? $(this).data('rows') : 1, vertical: ($(this).data('vertical_style') == 'yes') ? true : false, infinite: ($(this).data('autoplay') !== 'undefined') ? autoPlay : true, responsive: [{ breakpoint: 1024, settings: { slidesToShow: slidestoshowtablet, slidesToScroll: slidestoscroll_tablet, } }, { breakpoint: 600, settings: { slidesToShow: slidestoshowtablet, slidesToScroll: slidestoscroll_tablet } }, { breakpoint: 480, settings: { arrows: false, slidesToShow: slidestoshowmobile, slidesToScroll: slidestoscroll_mobile } } ] }); }); }, Image_Comparison: function ($scope) { var $ekit_img_comparison = $scope.find('.elementskit-image-comparison'); $ekit_img_comparison.imagesLoaded(function (e) { var $el = $(e.elements[0]), config = { orientation: $el.hasClass('image-comparison-container-vertical') ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal', before_label: $el.data('label_before'), after_label: $el.data('label_after'), default_offset_pct: $el.data('offset'), no_overlay: $el.data('overlay'), move_slider_on_hover: $el.data('move_slider_on_hover'), click_to_move: $el.data('click_to_move') }; $el.twentytwenty(config); }); }, Piechart: function ($scope) { var colorfulchart = $scope.find('.colorful-chart'); //console.log(colorfulchart); if (colorfulchart.length > 0) { colorfulchart.each(function (__, e) { var myColors = $(e).data('color'); var datalineWidth = $(e).data('linewidth'); var color_type = $(e).data('pie_color_style'); var gradentColor1 = $(e).data('gradientcolor1'); var gradentColor2 = $(e).data('gradientcolor2'); var barbg = $(e).data('barbg'); var obj; if (color_type === 'gradient') { obj = { gradientChart: true, barColor: gradentColor1, gradientColor1: gradentColor2, gradientColor2: gradentColor1, lineWidth: datalineWidth, trackColor: barbg, }; } else { obj = { lineWidth: datalineWidth, barColor: myColors, trackColor: barbg, }; } $(e).myChart(obj); }) } }, Gallery: function ($scope) { var $container = $scope.find('.ekit_gallery_grid'); var column = $container.data('gallerycol'); // console.log((parseInt(column.tablet, 10))); if ($container.length > 0) { var colWidth = function colWidth() { var w = $container.width(), windowWidth = $(window).width(), columnNum, columnWidth = 0; if (windowWidth > 1024) { columnNum = parseInt(column.desktop, 10); } else if (windowWidth >= 768) { columnNum = parseInt(column.tablet, 10); } columnWidth = Math.floor(w / columnNum); $container.find('.ekit_gallery_grid_item').each(function () { var $item = $(this), multiplier_w = $item.attr('class').match(/ekit_gallery_grid_item-w(\d)/), width = multiplier_w ? columnWidth * multiplier_w[1] : columnWidth; $item.css({ width: width, }); }); return columnWidth; }, isotope = function isotope() { $container.isotope({ resizable: false, itemSelector: '.ekit_gallery_grid_item', masonry: { columnWidth: colWidth(), gutterWidth: 0 } }); }; isotope(); $(window).on('resize load', isotope); var $optionSets = $scope.find('.filter-button-wraper .option-set'), $optionLinks = $optionSets.find('a'); $optionLinks.on('click', function () { var $this = $(this); var $optionSet = $this.parents('.option-set'); $optionSet.find('.selected').removeClass('selected'); $this.addClass('selected'); // make option object dynamically, i.e. { filter: '.my-filter-class' } var options = {}, key = $optionSet.attr('data-option-key'), value = $this.attr('data-option-value'); // parse 'false' as false boolean value = value === 'false' ? false : value; options[key] = value; if (key === 'layoutMode' && typeof changeLayoutMode === 'function') { // changes in layout modes need extra logic changeLayoutMode($this, options); } else { // creativewise, apply new options $container.isotope(options); } return false; }); } // tilt var tiltContainer = $scope.find('.ekit-gallery-portfolio-tilt'), glare = $(tiltContainer).data('tilt-glare') === 'yes' ? true : false; $(tiltContainer).tilt({ easing: "cubic-bezier(.03,.98,.52,.99)", transition: true, glare: glare, }) $container.imagesLoaded(function () { $container.isotope(); }); $(window).on('scroll', function () { $container.isotope('layout'); }); }, MotionText: function ($scope) { var texts = $scope.find('.ekit_char_based .ekit_motion_text'); var motionTitle = $scope.find('.ekit_motion_text_title'); // split content texts.each(function () { var text = $(this); for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { var $this = text[i]; var content = $this.innerHTML; content = content.trim(); var str = ''; var delay = parseInt(text.attr('data-ekit-animation-delay')), delayIncrement = delay; //console.log(delay); for (let l = 0; l < content.length; l++) { if (content[l] != '') { // str += `${content[l]}`; str += '' + content[l] + ''; delay += delayIncrement; } else { str += content[i]; } } $this.innerHTML = str; } }); // motion title on scroll var animationClass = motionTitle.attr("data-animate-class"); motionTitle.elementorWaypoint({ handler: function () { motionTitle.addClass(animationClass).css('opacity', 1); }, offset: '100%' }); }, TimeLine: function ($scope) { Elementskit.AnimationFix($scope); var horizantalTimeline = $scope.find('.horizantal-timeline'); if (horizantalTimeline.length > 0) { horizantalTimeline.find('.content-group').each(function (__, e) { $(e).on('mouseenter', function () { if ($(e).parents('.single-timeline').hasClass('hover')) { $(e).parents('.single-timeline').removeClass('hover') } else { $(e).parents('.single-timeline').addClass('hover') $(e).parents('.single-timeline').nextAll().removeClass('hover') $(e).parents('.single-timeline').prevAll().removeClass('hover') } }) }) } }, PostTab: function ($scope) { var tab = $scope.find('.post--tab'); if (tab.length < 1) { return; } var event_type = tab.attr('data-post-tab-event'); tab.find('.tabHeader > .tab__list > .tab__list__item').on(event_type, function () { $(tab).find('.tabHeader > .tab__list > .tab__list__item').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); $(tab).find('.tabContent > .tabItem').removeClass('active'); $(tab).find('.tabContent > .tabItem').eq($(this).index()).addClass('active'); $(tab).find('.tabContent > .tabItem').hide(); $(tab).find('.tabContent > .tabItem').eq($(this).index()).show(); }); }, Hotspot: function ($scope) { if ($scope.find('.ekit-location-on-click').length > 0) { $scope.find('.ekit-location-on-click .ekit-location_indicator').on('click', function () { $(this).parents('.ekit-location-on-click').toggleClass('active') }) } }, Header_Search: function ($scope) { if ($scope.find('.ekit-modal-popup').length > 0) { $scope.find('.ekit-modal-popup').magnificPopup({ type: 'inline', fixedContentPos: true, fixedBgPos: true, overflowY: 'auto', closeBtnInside: false, prependTo: $scope.find('.ekit-wid-con'), callbacks: { beforeOpen: function () { this.st.mainClass = "my-mfp-slide-bottom ekit-promo-popup"; }, open: function() { jQuery('body').css('overflow', 'hidden'); }, close: function() { jQuery('body').css('overflow', 'auto'); } } }); } }, Team: function ($scope) { var el = $scope.find('.ekit-team-popup'); el.magnificPopup({ type: 'inline', fixedContentPos: true, fixedBgPos: true, overflowY: 'auto', closeBtnInside: true, prependTo: $scope.find('.ekit-wid-con'), showCloseBtn: false, callbacks: { beforeOpen: function () { this.st.mainClass = "my-mfp-slide-bottom ekit-promo-popup"; } } }); $($scope).find('.ekit-modal-close').on('click', function () { el.magnificPopup('close'); }); }, Table: function ($scope) { if ($scope.find('.ekit_table').length > 0) { var settings = $scope.find('.ekit_table').data('settings'), prevText = (settings.nav_style.trim() === 'text' || settings.nav_style.trim() === 'both') ? '' + settings.prev_text + '' : '', nextText = (settings.nav_style.trim() === 'text' || settings.nav_style.trim() === 'both') ? '' + settings.next_text + '' : '', prevArrow = (settings.nav_style.trim() === 'arrow' || settings.nav_style.trim() === 'both') ? '' : '', nextArrow = (settings.nav_style.trim() === 'arrow' || settings.nav_style.trim() === 'both') ? '' : ''; $(window).trigger('resize'); var tableConfig = { buttons: settings.button === true ? ['copy', 'excel', 'csv'] : [], bFilter: settings.search, autoFill: true, //don't know pageLength: settings.item_per_page ? settings.item_per_page : 1, fixedHeader: settings.fixedHeader, responsive: settings.responsive, paging: settings.pagination, ordering: settings.ordering, info: settings.info, "language": { search: '', searchPlaceholder: 'Type Here To Search...', paginate: { next: nextText + nextArrow, previous: prevArrow + prevText } } } if (settings.entries === false) { tableConfig.dom = 'Bfrtip'; } $scope.find('.ekit_table table').DataTable(tableConfig); } }, Header_Off_Canvas: function ($scope) { if ($scope.find('.ekit-sidebar-group').length > 0) { $scope.find('.ekit_offcanvas-sidebar').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $scope.find('.ekit-sidebar-group').addClass('ekit_isActive'); }); $scope.find('.ekit_close-side-widget').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $scope.find('.ekit-sidebar-group').removeClass('ekit_isActive'); }); $scope.find('.ekit-overlay').on('click', function (e) { $scope.find('.ekit-sidebar-group').removeClass('ekit_isActive'); 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